Sea freight services

Adapted and economical maritime transport in direct collaboration with shipping companies. Optimise your freight operations now.

Sea freight

Garsou-Angenot offers flexible and independent sea freight services, working directly with shipping companies for export and import. Relying on the AOP and Globalia networks, we retain total independence in our choice of shipping lines. This approach ensures that you receive tailored, efficient and cost-effective shipping solutions that meet your specific B2B needs. Our direct collaboration with the shipping companies allow to respond quickly and customise our services to optimise your freight operations.


Sea Freight Department

Danièle Liban

T. +32 (0)87 32 44 27


AOP member (Air & Ocean Partners)
Direct link with shipping companies (export & import)
We can arrange customs clearance for you
Sent in : LCL - FCL
Total independence in the choice of lines
Member Globalia Logistics Network

Our offer

At Garsou-Angenot, we provide our B2B customers with a complete range of high-quality services, covering transport and logistics, air freight, sea freight and customs formalities. Benefit from a reliable and privileged contact to manage all your transport and logistics flows, whether in the Benelux countries or internationally.

With almost 150 years' experience and a wide range of skills, we are committed to respond quickly and efficiently. By entrusting your goods to Garsou-Angenot, you can concentrate on your core business with complete peace of mind.

expert in groupage freight transport and distribution

Transport & Logistics

Garsou-Angenot has its own fleet of vehicles and manages your national and international transport needs with the upmost rigour.

Air freight

Our air freight department offers you a range of customised services to manage all your import and export operations.

Sea freight

Affiliated to AOP network, we work directly with shipping companies, while retaining total independence in the selection of shipping lines.


As a customs agency, Garsou-Angenot handles all your customs formalities (export, import, transit, excise) to and from all countries.